Privacy, cookies & disclaimer

Privacy Statement

Quest Escapes values your privacy and handles personal data carefully. This statement explains what data we process and why. You also have certain rights. Please read this carefully.

Last update: May 1, 2024. New updates supersede previous versions. Questions? Email [email protected].

About Quest Escapes

Quest Escapes offers outdoor escape room games and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce (number 75193817).

Personal Data

Through our website, you can leave data in, among others, quote requests or contact forms:

Email address
Phone number

Automatically collected data (such as IP address) are not personal data.

Use of Personal Data

We only use your data for the requested service. We process data for:

Booking a game/activity
Answering questions
Sending newsletters
Administration and statistics

Data is retained as long as necessary for complete handling and administration.


We use SSL security for the data you enter.


Our newsletter informs you about activities. You can always unsubscribe. We use MailChimp to send newsletters. MailChimp uses cookies and other technologies to see if emails are opened and read.

Internet Provider

Our internet provider ensures secure email. We treat emails confidentially.

Third-party Websites

Our privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites, linked via links. Read their privacy and cookie statements.

Disclosure to Third Parties

We only share your data if necessary for our services or legally required. We use an accounting firm for our administration and bookkeeping.

Your Rights

You have rights regarding your data, such as access, modification, restriction of processing, objection, and data transfer.


We use cookies on our website for functional and analytical purposes. You can disable cookies in your browser, but the website may not work optimally.


Due Diligence

We do our best to keep the information on our website accurate and up-to-date. However, inaccuracies may occur. We are not liable for any damage caused by this.


We reserve the right to change prices and activities, as well as to modify our website.


We are not responsible for third-party websites linked to.

Electronic Communication

We are not liable for problems with electronic communication.


Nothing from this publication may be reproduced without written permission.

Photo Credits

All photos on the website and during activities are the property of Quest Escapes.


Questions? Contact:
Quest Escapes
Email address: [email protected]

© All rights reserved - Quest Escapes